Are the Speed Bumps Here for Good?

Chapin High school has recently had to deal with the growing controversy over the newly installed speed bumps.  With growing complaints of students speeding through the parking lots, administrators have responded by installing several speed control devices in order to prevent speeding.  While many students agree that some students turn into race car drivers while entering and leaving school.  However, the size and amount of speed bumps have come into question.

Some students are impartial to the speed bumps.  Although, it may be to the fact that they are driving larger cars. “Although the speed bumps are annoying in the morning, they don’t really cause any damage to my car. They should definitely decrease the amount of them though” Olivia Gabriel, a junior said when asked how she felt about them.   However, many other students had a stronger opinion.

“The speed bumps are useless, all they do is create more traffic.  They mess up the bottom of people’s cars” Levi Parker, a junior, voiced his opinion.  Emerson Houston also felt strongly about their installation, she said “I think it’s ridiculous to have so many speed bumps so close together.  There is no point and it is just messing up my car and tires.

Although the speed bumps are allowing for safer arrival and departure of students, many feel as though the number of speed bumps should be decreased.  Another suggestion was to pave over them, allowing less damage to occur to the cars.  Only time will tell if the speed bumps are here to stay or not.