Friday September 15th 2023 is a day that will go down in the class of 2024’s greatest senior memories. The senior toga pep rally is one of the most exciting and exhilarating days of the school years. Seniors dress up in their Greek togas and run out of the tunnel to get ready to dominate all the pep rally’s competition.
The toga pep rally brings out the loudest screams and cheers from every student in Chapin High School with games like bubble soccer, tug of war, and who has it, it is easy to get students excited and engaged.
Hunter Ellison, a class of 2024 senior, said, “I am really looking forward to it and I think that it is strictly designed for the seniors, which should be really fun. I can’t wait!”
“My favorite part about Toga day was taking pictures with all my friends and being with them,” said Elise Merrick
“My favorite part was getting everyone involved in dressing up,” said Owen Salazar,
Chapin seniors have been counting down to the togs pep rally since their first day of freshman year, so this year’s toga day will certainly be one to remember!
Jacob Meetze, also a senior summed up his favorite part of the Toga Pep Rally in three words. “The Tunnel Run.”
Mary-Kate Tisdale, Harrison White contributed to this story