Photographers capture Spirit Week 2024
Spirit Week January 2024
Students, Teachers and Staff showing school Spirit!
Addisen Meyer, Kate Norris, Yara Abusamra, Kendall Brown, Reagan Cooke, Emily Eisenbraun, and Macey Smith
February 1, 2024
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About the Contributors
Addisen Meyer, Photographer
My name is Addisen Meyer. I am a senior and I love writing and taking pictures.

Kate Norris, Editor in Chief
My name is Kathryn (Kate) Norris. Editor in Chief
I am a senior at Chapin High School, and this is my third year in Journalism. I have always loved writing, and when I decided to take journalism at Chapin, my love for writing grew even more.
Whether that is writing about student life, fun activities going on at school, or new updates on Chapin as a whole, it doesn’t matter, I will still enjoy it. On top of that, I am in 7 different clubs at school including Screaming Eagles, FCA, CEAL Club, National Honor Society, National Spanish Honor Society, Junior Civitans, and Animal Rescue Club.

Yara Abusamra, Reporter
I am Yara Abusamra and I’m a 11th grader at Chapin High School . I am a reporter for CSPN Eagles.
My hobbies consist of shopping and watching my favorite shows.
I typically like to write all kinds of stories like sports games, clubs, etc: However, I prefer to write about Spirit Weeks, HOCO, Prom, or any major event going on.

Kendall Brown, Reporter Section Editor
I am Kendall Brown and I am a Senior at Chapin High School.
I am a Reporter and Section Editor for the

Reagan Cooke, Reporter
My name is Reagan Cooke and I am a senior at Chapin High School.
I take pictures for new stories onĀ CSPN that are centered around Chapin High School.

Emily Eisenbraun, Photography/Writing
I am a sophomore at Chapin High School.
In my free time, I like to travel, play hockey, play lacrosse, and watch movies.

Macey Smith, Reporter/Photography
I am a junior at Chapin high school. My hobbies include reading , watching Tv, and movies.