The Hunger Games series has replaced the void left by the Harry Potter series ending and the near end of Twilight. Crazed and series obsessed fans needed something to flock and the arrival of the Hunger Games Movie was perfectly timed. The Hunger Games served as the perfect transition between series with the release and anticipation of their movie.
Junior Hannah Derrick also thought that The Hunger Games drew fans because of good timing. “People are looking for something else to get into; having the series replaced the other one,” Said Derrick
The Hunger Games has become more than a movie or book; it is now a social phenomenon. Students have become involved in the series because recommendations and reviews by other students. Other students became involved in the series because of the hype surrounding the movie. Students have admitted reading the books up to three times, and going to watch the movie more than once. The fans have become so involved that they are trying to relive the magic as much as possible.
“I think anything that people are a fan of automatically catches on if it is a big ordeal,” Said junior Megan Rich.
The series has all of the perfect elements to a capture an audience’s attention: love, action, and a three character trio. It has the characters Peeta and Gale that makes every girl wish she could be Katniss. It also has the blood, battles and violence of the games to capture boys’ attention. They also draw in fans because of the dynamic characters of Katniss, Gale, and Peeta and a gripping love triangle these three characters are involved in. These elements are much like the infamous Jacob, Edward and Bella love triangle of Twilight or the three character trio of Ron, Harry and Hermonie that first captured fans.
“It is a very interesting plot and a lot of action with a romance story” Said Junior Carli Sims.
The movie also stayed fairly true to the book, and most fans were happy with the overall product of the movie. When books have such diehard fans it is hard to meet fans expectations and allow them to relive the magic of the books. This movie did not disappoint with the exception of the minor tweaking or minor scenes, and characters.
Rich was pleased with the overall movie,
“The book went into a lot more detail and the movie left out minor characters. The book is definitely a lot better mostly because of the details. But I think they did the best they could with the effects and everything; there wasn’t much more they could do to make it better,” said Rich.
The Hunger Games is the new “it” thing, its popularity has invaded Chapin and the books can be spotted in class. It does not take long for anyone to bring up a conversation about whether Gale or Peeta is right for Katniss, did you cry when the favorite tribute died, or which book is the best. Hunger Games is making a lasting impression on their fans whether it is for their books or the movies mourning Harry Potter fans now have something to fill their Potter loss.