Spirit Week 2021

Seniors Dalton Perry and Annalise Huggins are seen participating in twin day.
Chapin High School was able to have a spirit week in February due to the 5 day face-t0-face model being in place. Faculty and staff showed off their school spirit through spirit days such as: Mathlete vs Athlete, Twin Tuesday, Pajama Day, Country vs Country club, and Flannel Day.
Some students look forward to spirit week and attempt their best at going all out for each individual themed day. Junior Anselle Blackmon revealed “I participated in all five days because I really liked the themes and I like to show school spirit. My favorite day was pajama day because I was able to dress comfy!”
Other students choose only to participate in certain days. Junior Savannah Byron stated, “I only participated in pajama day.” Sophomore Carlynn Rychener explained, “I participated in pajama day and flannel day only as I thought those were the most fun and exciting days.”
A third category of students were those who did not participate at all. Junior Ryan Harmon said, “I don’t have time for spirit week, so I chose not to participate.”
When asked what spirit day students enjoyed most, a variety of responses were received. Junior Charlotte Breunig explained, “I love pajama day! It is my favorite.” Senior Dalton Perry said, “My favorite spirit day is twin day, as it has been a running tradition between me and my friends throughout high school.”
In a normal year, students would be able to attend a pep rally at the conclusion of spirit week. Since COVID is still in full force, students were not able to participate in a pep rally, but were instead able to enter a contest through social media where the student body could vote on who dressed the best for each individual spirit day. Winners received a parking pass close to the building as a reward for having immense school spirit. FIVE student Catherine Chu said, “I am really glad the virtual voting competition is a thing. It makes me feel involved in the student body through the comfort of my own home.”
Overall, spirit week proved itself to have a positive connotation over the student body as students were able to feel excited about attending school despite COVID restrictions still making things different.

Hannah Niver is a senior at Chapin High School, and is a Reporter for CSPN Eagles.
She enjoys going on the lake with her friends and traveling.

Garrett Rider is a Senior at Chapin High School, and is Co-Editor in Chief for CSPN Eagles.
He enjoys watching movies and spending time with friends.