The Holiday Giving Assembly is a school wide effort to help those who can’t help themselves. This year it is bigger and better than ever. With seventeen clubs helping and tons of students participating in the fundraisers, twelve thousand dollars doesn’t seem out of reach.
The giving assembly has been around for years and was created by student government to give back to the community.
Although CHS is a public school, charitable organizations have come to view Chapin as a source to help those who are less fortunate. This economic downturn has more charitable organizations wanting the school’s help. Five different organizations gave presentations to the student council with the hopes of securing some additional holiday help.
Student Council listened and took notes on each presentation in order to assess which group’s mission fit in conjunction with CHS principles. They decided on local charities Palmeto Place (an emergency shelter for children) and We Care.
“Last year people complained about the holiday giving assembly because they thought we weren’t helping anyone locally. So this year we plan to help a more local organization,” said Student Council President Ashton Shumpert.
Student Council felt these organizations along with the Make-a-Wish Foundation could use some Eagle support.
“We have heard a lot of stories about the kids that Palmetto Place has saved, one baby that they saved was found with rat bites all over her,” said executive board member Mary Grace Loveless.
President Schumpert said,“Palmetto Place has helped out students in our school. They also had the least amount of funds compared to the other organizations, so they needed our help even more.”
The goal for the giving assembly is to give six thousand dollars to Palmetto Place and any amount over six thousand will be given to We Care and to the Make a Wish Foundation.
“We want to raise at least ten thousand dollars,” said student council sponsor Mrs. Bettye Boone.
Although it is hard to imagine what the kids at Palmetto Place have gone through, it is good to know that students can make a difference in the lives of others.
Students can help by supporting CHS fundraisers like Buff Puff, Poinsettias Sales, Chick-Fil-A, and Monkey Ice.
School clubs have also been asked to help collect the following items:
Lumber Jack, Do Something, GSA, Love Green, and Chrome Club, will be collecting cloths (especially jackets).
FCA-Kitchen Supplies (Dish detergent, laundry detergent, etc.)
ROTC- Paper Products (paper towels, plastic utensils, cups, etc)
Beta Club- Underwear
NHS- School Supplies
Class Boards- Book Bags
Junior Civitans- Hygiene (shampoo, lotion, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.)
Interact & NAHS- Socks