Friday by Rebecca Black is the new YouTube internet sensation that everyone loves to hate. The lame lyrics and cheesy video have made a thirteen year old girl a prime target for harassment.
This amateur music video has now become the most disliked video on YouTube with over 1.19 million dislikes. Critics have deemed this innocent video as “the worst video ever” and an “abomination.” Black is receiving harsh marks from hateful reviews to death threats and death hoaxes. Most people believe this could seem pretty harsh treatment for a thirteen year old’s first music video. With all the junk on the YouTube, why all the hate for this one video?
Sophomore Kate Foster is not a fan of the video. Foster said, “It sucks. It just says the same parts over and over and she can’t even sing.” Chapin High School students have mixed reviews on Black’s video. Sophomore Bailey Gowans approves of the harmless video, “I think it is funny and a lot different because it’s not inappropriate… Rebecca Black took the video really seriously and everyone else thought it was just funny.”
Chapin High school students have a wide range of opinions from jealousy to hatred. One of the main reasons people seem to love to hate the video is that Black seems unwilling to get in on the laughable aspect of the video. Most people believe she is taking herself and the video a bit too seriously.
Others also blame the people that have supported her in making the reportedly $2000 video, which lead her to believe that she has a beautiful voice.
“If I were her parents, I would be honest with her about the fact she can’t sing and then they wouldn’t have to spend $2,000 dollars,” said Jessica Fairhart, sophomore However, nearly the whole world has told her she can not sing and she doesn’t seem to be taking the hint.
Foster believes the hate stems from jealousy. “People are mad because she is now famous and got money from the video,” claims Foster.