Students are walking the halls of Chapin High School in a panic. Rumors have been flying throughout the student body about the 2011-2012 school year that many of the staff members have heard nothing about. Have you heard about delayed Wednesday being cancelled? Rumor. What about prom being on a Thursday night? Rumor.
Many students have gotten worked up about rumors that they started themselves. Asking staff members about rumors going around, they don’t know where they came from. In a sense, students are scaring themselves for no reason. Some are saying that study hall will not be offered next year. To an extent, that could be true but will most likely not be.
Assistant principal, Michael Ames says, “We won’t really know for sure until we have a budget for next year. Where we lost Mr. Milton, we’re not positive we will have a teacher to observe study hall.”
However, there has been a rumor about Mt. Horeb not allowing parking next year. That rumor is actually true. Because of problems from this year, the church staff has decided that it is best if they do not provide parking for CHS students.
In conclusion, rumors that have been spread around about next year are most likely not true. That goes back to the old saying, don’t always believe everything you hear. Make sure what you are saying is true by asking a direct source before you tell someone else.