Keep the Change
During the school day, hunger chooses no good time to strike students at Chapin High School. Often times however, students can not find those measly four quarters to buy a snack to tide them over before their next meal. Any other time of the day, many students do not care for the tiny coins, so if they drop a few, it may not be worth their time to pick them up.
Our staff went on a hunt for coins around the school to see if we could get a free snack. The library’s copy machine was our first stop. In order to use the machine, you must pay a small fee of .10. We checked underneath and around the machine, but there was no spare change to be found.
Our next stops were the vending machine throughout the school. After looking at all the machines, we found one dime. We were looking immediately after lunch, so our school custodians were sweeping up the floors. We stopped to ask Ann Gallman, a custodian, if she sees coins around the school. “Not too many, a few but not a lot.” Despite this news, we continued to look.
Overall, we did not find many coins, especially not enough to buy anything from the vending machines.
If you have a tendency of wanting food during classes, try running by the bank after school with a $5 bill and break it into quarters. Place these quarters in your bookbag for later times.

Kiley Hengeveld is a senior at Chapin High School. She enjoys hanging with her friends. She writes about community and student life.