Spring Break and Covid-19
As Lexington-Richland School District 5 approaches spring break, the continued question that presents itself is whether or not it is too early to travel. While some families are tired of COVID and plan to travel for a break from reality, others still feel weary about the prolonging pandemic and are choosing to spend the break within the comfort of their own homes.
When asked if she would be going on vacation, junior Reagan McMahon said, “I’m traveling to Nashville Tennessee to visit my sister at college for spring break. We are driving there to avoid being in the airport during COVID. I am really excited to be able to travel during this spring break.”
Further, sophomore Madison Mathias explained, “My family and I are visiting my grandparents in Fripp Island. We are driving in the car and are going to be limiting our exposure to people.”
Another person who is traveling is McKenzie Lott, a senior, said, “I am going to Charleston to see my Nana because we have not seen her much due to pandemic.”
Contrary, other students explained how they were choosing to stay home over the break out of an abundance of caution. Junior JC Ballentine said, “I am not going anywhere during spring break. My family has decided to stay home due to the pandemic to avoid the risk of exposing ourselves to Covid.”
A third category of students presented themselves, which was those who are not travelling due to reasons other than covid. Tatum Meyers, a senior, said for Spring Break she is, “staying home chilling with my family.”
Overall, it is clear that this year’s spring break will be different than normal for many. Vacations may have restrictions due to continued COVID restrictions implemented. Students who travel annually for spring break may not be able to do so this year for a variety of reasons. It will be noteworthy to determine the effects of spring break in the aspect of a potential spike in COVID cases once students have returned to school.

Garrett Rider is a Senior at Chapin High School, and is Co-Editor in Chief for CSPN Eagles.
He enjoys watching movies and spending time with friends.

Hannah Niver is a senior at Chapin High School, and is a Reporter for CSPN Eagles.
She enjoys going on the lake with her friends and traveling.

Ella Meyers is a sophomore at Chapin High and is a writer for CSPN Eagles.
She likes to play softball and basketball.
She also loves to go to Disney...