Parking Lot Chaos

An influx of too much traffic in the senior parking lot has caused conflict between students with parking spots trying to get to class or home and parents disregarding the designated pick up and drop off zone.

To avoid the winding pick-up line, down by the Art Hallway, the drivers instead park in the senior parking lot, including parking in spaces reserved for students. The frustration is caused when waiting drivers park in a student’s space in the morning or block student drivers in their spaces after school.

When parents do not use the proper pick up line located by the art hallway, they park in student’s parking spots to pick up their kids to avoid lines. This causes upperclassmen to get stuck in their parking spots. In turn, the students end up getting caught in more chaos from too many people in the senior parking lot. The additional cars can sometimes result in and more drivers have a tendency of almost hitting students.

Whitley Leviner, a senior, said the issue is aggravating.  “I have almost been hit by a parent walking into school, and they like to pull through my spot so when I’m trying to pull into my spot, I can’t pull in because they’re in the way,” she said.

“It is wrong. They need to be put in the parent drop-off loop and stay out of the parking lot because there is a chance they could hit somebody,” said Coach Stogner, an administrator.

Ms. Magee, the administrator member in charge of all pick up/drop off, said, “The rule should be that any student for pick up should be picked up in the student drop off/pick up area down near chorus. Prior to dismissal or arrival, they need to check in or check out at the attendance office in the front of the building.”

When asked if parents picking up their underclassmen kids affected their after school activities, Collin Harris, a senior, said, “So basically, a couple of these parents have gotten in my way and like, a few of them like flipped me off, and it just wasn’t ok I reciprocated the reaction, and they have made me late to work.”