Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. A saying everyone has heard before in their life but now it is changing because people are realizing how much words do hurt.

Bullying is everywhere: face to face or online, it is becoming harder to stop each day. But for Chapin that is changing thanks to I AM WE. I AM WE was started last fall in 2012 when Junior Cadie Hall went to Mr. Ames with the idea of starting an anti-bullying club.

“I was bullied in California and even some at Chapin. I love Chapin so much I wanted to find a way to make it better,” Hall said.

From there I AM WE was born. Chapin partenered with SLS and Mrs. Edwards to start the campaign.

Cadie was not the only student excited about the club. Matthew Jaques, K. Lee Graham, Jenna Schifrel, and Tori Rhoad all joined in to help get the campaign started.

I AM WE has grown vastly since. It began a recent school wide assembly held at CHS to spread the word of I AM WE and to make all students aware of the possible impact of their actions.

“We aRe Chapin promotes family and so does I AM WE. The I stands for the individual and the WE stands for our family. We want to make sure every I feels apart of the WE.” Hall said.

The new goal for I AM WE  is to get the whole school on board. The I AM WE club has a meeting every third Thursday of the month where students are encouraged to attend. The goal of the meetings is to educate students about the negative impacts of bullying and how to support people who are being bullied.

Cadie Hall’s advice is to “be someone people won’t talk bad around because they know you’ll stand up for others.”

I AM WE doesn’t just end at CHS. The club has already had meeting with Chpain Elementary and Harbison West Elementary to promote their  ideas. The goal is for I AM WE to be at every school in the district.

This is a chance for Chapin to stand together and be apart of something great. Just like We aRe Chapin, I AM WE.



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