Farewell From Your CSPN Co-Editor In Chiefs

Dear Chapin High School,

It is undeniable that Chapin High School is always buzzing with exciting new developments and improvements, which has made our jobs relatively easy when it comes to conjuring up story ideas. Although the school continues to grow after we graduate, we must honor our time as part of the Chapin Student Press Network staff with some final words.

We have served as reporters, editors, photographers, and even videographers. The opportunities that Mr.Thomas’s journalism classes have given us are beyond anything we expected and have helped transformed our high school experience. We have grown to appreciate all that the world of news has to offer.

As co-editor in chiefs, we have been able to serve as leaders in our class and school. We have sought the best sources for our stories to provide the most reliable information to our classmates and community members. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of Chapin Student Press Network and for the endless support. We wish Anna Brock and Emma Hall, CSPN’s 2018-2019 co-editor in chiefs, the best of luck as they assume this position.