On February 23rd, Chapin Girls Varsity Dance took the stage by storm with their stunning Pom routine and won first place.
Pom routines emphasize clean, sharp, and precise movements: often involving synchronization and other visual effects. Made obvious by the name, the girls also had to utilize pom poms throughout their routine. They had a maximum of 3 minutes to perform, and that’s all the time they needed to sweep the judges off their feet.
Senior Captain Rowan Hardee shares, “It felt so amazing to win knowing the hard work and dedication paid off. We’ve had our Pom routine since July and have been spending hours on it.” Now that they’ve claimed the first place title at this year’s state competition, they shift their mindset to the national competition coming up. She continues on, “Winning state has definitely given us the confidence to compete for a national title and we are so ready to take the stage”, upon an interview asking her her thoughts and comments on their success thus far in the season and their upcoming national competition.
The Chapin Girls Varsity Dance Team is a huge part of our school’s Friday night football games in the fall, pep rallies all throughout the year, and numerous other events.