Chapin United

In light of recent events, Chapin High School has seemed somewhat divided lately.  Not all students understand the meaning of “We aRe Chapin”.  It’s not just a catchy phrase that Dr. Ross always says on the announcements and at pep rallies and it’s not just a recitation of where we all go to school.  “We aRe Chapin” signifies that we are all one unified group of students, teachers and faculty that are constantly supporting each other and striving for our school to be the best.

Some students argue that they don’t have school spirit, they hate living in Chapin and can’t wait until they get out, but the truth is that we all spend four years at this school and we can either make the best of it or we can loathe it now and one day wish we had enjoyed it.  When you ask adults, many of them will say that high school was the best four years of their lives.  That is because there will be no other time in your life where you have a group of people, some of whom you have known since kindergarten, that have shared the same experiences and feelings as you.  For example every student at Chapin knows what it’s like to have class in a portable or hear construction going on outside their walls and every student understands how exciting the toga pep rally is and how emotional class day is for seniors.  Only Chapin students understand what it feels like to run onto the field after their football team wins region for the first time in 21 years.  If you try to explain how the whole school clapped in unison to one heart beat ready or what the heart attack was like to someone who didn’t go to Chapin they simply won’t understand.

That is why it is so important for students to support other students in everything they do.  When the volleyball team is competing in playoffs students show up to cheer them on.  Or when the band wins state they are given school wide recognition and applause.  And on Friday night there are students painted up for the football game.  It may be cheesy but to quote a movie that all students can recognize with, “We’re all in this together,” and we all need to show an effort to support our school and become the best we can be.