Upcoming Orchestra Spring Concert
On Tuesday May 17th, Chapin High School’s Orchestra will be preforming their annual spring concert.
Under director Mr. Lynn, students in the advanced orchestra, freshman orchestra, and masterclass will be playing. The concert will begin at 6:30 in the schools cafeteria and there will be no admission fee.
Noah Mervak, a junior in orchestra said, “I’ve just been practicing the music in class.”
They will be playing stringed arrangements of popular pop and rock songs, a piece six movement pieces composed by sophomore, Jesse Kaiser, and a piece played by this years seniors. Some of the songs include Oblivion, Requiem For A Dream, Skyfall, and Mission Impossible.
“People should come and support because the bigger the audience the more fun it is to play! We want to show everyone what we have been working on all year”, said sophomore, Kierstin McCoy.

Sara Dietrich is a Senior at Chapin High and is coeditor and chief. She runs CSPN's social platforms including Instagram, Twitter, & YouTube. She also...