The school bathrooms should not be gross. People should be able to get in and out without having to get passed the obstacles of a disrespected bathroom.
Someone who is getting changed should be able to tie there shoe without placing their knee in a wet puddle.
There have been times when students have to get dressed in a different bathroom due to the horrible smell of a disrespected stall.
Students should be able to use the restrooms in peace and not have to be stared at by various fecal matters rubbed on the walls.
Hurried students should not have to worry about accidently stepping in human waste or slipping in a wet puddle outside of a stall.
Besides having seen the original fecal matter in the urinal, students have also seen wetted toilet paper, and the notorious fecal matter handprint.
The custodian staff cleans the bathrooms all the time, but sometimes even that isn’t enough for a school as big as Chapin.
A lot of rude students disrespect the bathrooms on a daily basis, but why?
If a student hates the school and wants to rebel, then why are they punishing the janitors and their fellow students?
It is not like the teachers have to clean the brown mess off of the floors and walls.
Janitors who help the school twenty four hours a day have to clean it, not the people who give out the tests and projects.
Fecal matter on the side of a toilet has no effect on teachers at all. All that does is make fellow students, friends, and janitors mad.
If someone hates school or hates a teacher, they should not take out there anger on the toilet. It is just a toilet, it is only there to help you and make your life easier.
If you really want to disrespect a toilet then do it at home.
Why punish the people who make the school clear and nice? The Janitors should not have to clean up someone’s gross mess.
Why would someone want to get the Custodian’s mad, all the bathrooms would have to be shut down if the Custodians quit for one day.
Students should not let their fellow students get away with disrespecting the bathrooms.
If more people got in trouble for disrespecting the bathrooms then it would stop. The punishment for “vandalizing” (or disrespecting) the restrooms is strict.
Students at Chapin have been caught and got in trouble for disrespecting the bathrooms on many occasions.
The punishment depends on the crime; sometimes it can be a write up and janitorial work around the school and in the restrooms.
Other times people can be kicked out of school. So, is disrespecting the bathrooms really worth it?