Legacy Week

Students enjoy Splash Night

Chapin’s 2016 graduating seniors created a event that would last for generations to come through the Legacy Week project. The week includes multiple activities such as splash night, battle of the bands, a movie screening on the football field and is concluded by the Mr. Chapin pageant . These events serve as an opportunity for Chapin High students to come together and celebrate the ending of another school year.

Last year, all the profits earned throughout the week were donated to local students battling cancer. Student government decided that the funds collected this year would go towards a cause to be revealed next year.

The schedule this week will be:

Monday: Splash Night on the practice fields*

Tuesday: There will be no school wide event held this day due to Class Day that occurs during school.

Wednesday: Battle of the Bands on the track

Thursday: Movie screening on the football field

Friday: Mr. Chapin pageant in the arena

The tickets can be purchased for $3 upon arrival to all events except for the Mr. Chapin show that will be $7.

*All female students are required to wear shirts and shorts to participate.