New Years Resolutions
Happy New Year
Around this time every year, many people are more motivated to change. Every new year, people come up with new years resolutions, to improve their lives, or change a bad habit they have. These resolutions famously fall out after a month or two, but that does not stop people from trying.
Junior Jessica Gilliam wanted to change in 2019 by being “Happy and Successful.” That can mean many different things, but she knows what it means to her, and she is going after it.
Emma Eisenhower, a senior, wanted to “Stop being on her phone” because she feels that social media is viewed in a positive light, but actually has a negative impact on high school students, who base their standards on other people in the world they have never even met.
Senior Connor Cartmell decided that he wants to “Stop procrastinating and workout every day.” This is a very popular one for adults. Although Connor is not an adult yet, he still wants to be in good shape and is going to do everything in his power to make that happen.
Some students don’t make resolutions. Junior Emma Gronda said that, “I do not make new years resolutions because I know that I will not keep them.” But, no matter who you talk to, the new year is an interesting time of year, with resolutions from students of all ages.
Andrew Caldwell Contributed to this report
Roger is a senior at Chapin High School, and he enjoys playing football. He is a reporter for the newspaper staff.